
Here at General Guitar Gadgets we hope to be a great resource for DIY effects for bass players.  This week we have released four new projects and kits for bass.  Three of the kits are modifications of some classic pedals and are provided courtesy of  J. Michael Pedals.   These projects and kits emit some awesome tone for your bass.   If  you are interested in buying one of these as a completed pedal, contact us, he can provide a finished pedal as well.

The fourth kit we are offering is the ColorSound Bass Fuzz.  We’ve had a project and PCB available for the Bass Fuzz for a while and now we will have the complete kit as well.

We apologize to all bass players for not having more in our “Bass” category in the past.  We will be working on expanding and offering more for the bass as well as the other categories of effects.

May you be blessed with great tone!

JD Sleep