This site would not be here if not for the help, encouragement and kindness of the following people. These are acknowlegments from JD Sleep – sole proprietor at General Guitar Gadgets. My heartfelt thanks to all listed and to those I should have, but forgot to list.
This is not a list of my personal references. The list ranges from very close friends to a few that I don’t personally know, but whose work (e.g. books) have greatly influenced me over the years.
- Joy Sleep – My wife and soul-mate, a constant source of encouragement and love.
- Alfonso Hermida – A great friend. Over the years Alfonso has personally helped me out more than anyone else on the list. A big “Thanks” here, but it doesn’t even begin to express my gratitude.
- R.G. Keen – I really got into DIY effects back in the mid-90’s when the internet really took off and R.G. was already there. He’s helped me out so many ways and so many times I can’t even count ’em.
- Matt Farrow – We used to live in the same area and the time we’ve spent together was invaluable and lots of fun too.
- Craig Anderton – I’ll always consider Craig to be the “King of DIY Guitar Effects”. I grew up with his books and although it took years to come to grips with some of his projects, his books and articles have always been, and still are a joy and inspiration to me.
And all the following people, too:
- Steve Ahola
- Analog Mike
- Dan Armstrong
- Adam Baker
- Nicholas Boscorelli
- Phillip Bryant
- Mike Burgundy
- Jered Carlson
- Frank Clarke
- Steve Daniels at Small Bear Electronics
- Joe Davisson
- Jay Doyle
- Tim Escobedo
- John Greene
- Ed Guidry
- Mark Hammer
- Doug Hammond
- Dean Hazelwanter
- Eric Hensel
- John Hollis
- Tom Hughes
- Mike Irwin
- Jake
- Clay Jones
- Tobias Karlsson
- Thomas Lindsey
- Forrest M. Mimms III
- Jeff Musser
- Aron Nelson
- Jack Orman
- Francisco Peña
- Paul Perry
- Ed Rembold
- Sonny Simpson
- Gus Smalley
- John Spina
- Robert Strand
- Scott Swartz
- Brian Tremblay
- Ricky Vance
- Dirk Wacker
- Robbie Wallace
- Zachary Vex