ColorSound™ ToneBenders™ (3-knob)
Here are the 3-Knob Tone Bender versions that can be built on the PCB for this project:
ColorSound 3-Knob Tone Bender with PNP Germanium Transistors (Positive Ground)
ColorSound-like 3-Knob ToneBender with NPN Germanium Transistors (Negative Ground)
ColorSound-Like 3-Knob Tone Bender with NPN Silicon Transistors (Negative Ground)
“Tone Burner” Modified 3-Knob ToneBender verions with PNP Germanium Transistors (Postitive Ground)
“Boutique” 3-Knob ToneBender with PNP Germanium Transistors (Positive Ground)
4-Knob Yard Box ToneBender with PNP Germanium Transistors (Positive Ground)
This ColorSound stompbox may have been sold during the same time period under the name of SolaSound™ ToneBender™ and possibly ™ Vox ToneBender™. There seems to be no difference between the circuits inside the different brand names.
For a simple, great sounding project, we recommend the “NPN Silicon Transistor Version”. If you want to build a germanium transistor version, get your transistor set from Small Bear Electronics LLC and use the resistor values that he sends with the transistors. Small Bear resistor designations (R2, etc) are the same as the designations on these projects.
If you have a common power supply to power your pedals, the negative ground versions (NPN transistor versions) will work with other pedals on a common power supply. If you build one of the “PNP Germanium Transistor Versions”, you can only share the same power supply with other POSITIVE GROUND effects pedals unless you use the Charge pump circuit with is as shown below.
Common Files For All Versions
- General Build Instructions
- 3-Knob ToneBender Instructions
- 3-Knob ToneBender Ready-For-Transfer Printed Circuit Board Layout – For use only if you are a complete DIY person who wants to etch and drill your own PCB. Otherwise, we recommend you ignore this PCB mask and buy the Ready-to-Solder Printed Circuit Board or Complete Kit.
- Project History File
ToneBender (3 knob) PNP Germanium Transistor With Charge Pump Version
The addition of a charge pump on the input power, gives you the ability to daisy chain power to your PNP Positive ground pedal with all your other negative ground pedals! Eliminate any need for special considerations when powering your Tone Bender with the other pedals on your pedal board.
ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (PNP Germanium Transistor, Positive Ground)
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender Bill of Materials
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender Schematic
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender Parts Layout
ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (NPN Germanium Transistor, Negative Ground)
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (NPN) Bill of Materials
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (NPN) Schematic
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (NPN) Parts Layout
ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (NPN Silicon Transistor, Negative Ground)
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (NPN Silion) Bill of Materials
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (NPN Silion) Schematic
- ColorSound 3-Knob ToneBender (NPN Silion) Parts Layout
Tone Burner, Modified 3-Knob ToneBender (PNP Germanium Transistor, Positive Ground)
This is an excellent variation on the 3 knob Tone Bender Designed by Tobias Karlsson. Very nice sound.
- Tone Burner (PNP Germanium) Bill of Materials
- Tone Burner (PNP Germanium) Schematic
- Tone Burner (PNP Germanium) Parts Layout
Tone Burner Sound Sample (Tobias Karlsson)
“Boutique” ToneBender,(with a lot of “Soul”) (PNP Germanium Transistor, Positive Ground)
This is a very good variation on the 3 knob Tone Bender Designed by a very successful “boutique company”.
- Boutique Bender (PNP Germanium) Bill of Materials
- Boutique Bender (PNP Germanium) Schematic
- Boutique Bender (PNP Germanium) Parts Layout
“Yard Box” Style ToneBender (PNP Germanium Transistor, Positive Ground)
This is also a very good variation on the 3 knob Tone Bender Designed by a very successful “boutique company”.
- Yard Box ToneBender (PNP Germanium) Bill of Materials
- Yard Box ToneBender (PNP Germanium) Schematic
- Yard Box Bender (PNP Germanium) Parts Layout
“See a Demo of the NPN silicon transistor version of the Colorsound ToneBender
Buy a Kit
Buy a TB3 Complete Kit. Includes all the parts and materials you need to build one, all for about the price you would pay for a PCB and parts.
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