Tom Scholz

Tom Scholz

When I think of the “stars” of DIY guitar effects I usually think of Craig Anderton, Robert Penfold, Nicolas Boscorelli or John Simonton.  Or, I think about my internet heroes, such as R.G. Keen, Jack Orman and Aron Nelson.  The other day I was thinking about great guitar sounds and effects and I thought about the great sound of Rockman gear.  And that got me thinking about Tom Scholz, creator of the Rockman name brand amps and guitar effects and also the mastermind behind the Rock group Boston.  He realized the dream that many of us in the DIY music world dream:  to build our own effects and amps that produce a great, unique sound and to use that sound in our trip to the top of Rock Stardom!

Whether or not you like the music of Boston, Tom Scholz has made a massive contribution to electric guitar sounds and to pop/rock music.  He used his electronic gear knowledge to make a huge impact on his career and his music.  He crafted “The Tom Scholz/Boston Sound” sound and a big part of it is DIY.  Probably the best DIY success story in the history of Rock Music!

Do you know of any other DIY guitar effect Super Stars?  List your favorites in the comments below.

JD Sleep
General Guitar Gadgets