Blue Star
The Blue Star (formally Blue Magic) is a beautiful, mild overdrive. For connoisseurs of fine distortion. Fantastic sound that probably isn’t available from other overdrive/distortion units.
- General Build Instructions
- Blue Star Build Instructions
- Blue Star Bill of Materials
- Blue Star Schematic
- Blue Star Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram
- Blue Star Ready-For-Transfer Printed Circuit Board Layout For use only if you are a complete DIY person who wants to etch and drill your own PCB. Otherwise, we recommend you ignore this PCB mask and buy the Ready-to-Solder Printed Circuit Board or Complete Kit from the links below.
- Blue Star Project Revisions History
Buy a Blue Star Complete Kit. Includes all the parts and materials you need to build one, all for about the price you would pay for a PCB and parts.
Would you like a Ready to Solder Circuit Board for this project?

Here are some sound samples of the Blue Star. These samples are of a Fender Stratocaster into the Blue Star Overdrive.