Can we just brag a little bit?  Besides being musically talented, we have people in our family who show some promise in art, photography, knitting and origami. 


Sam has been doing origami since his big sister became interested.  She eventually gave it up, but he continues to pursue it with a passion.  His work has toured with Origami by Children all over the country.

Grace has been interested in photography for some time, but just recently purchased her first professional DSLR camera.  She has the ability to capture the essence of a person and is looking at a career in wedding photography.

Chalice’s drawing talents have really blossomed over the years.  She won first place at the Ava Art Guild (Children’s Level) last Fall for her picture “Sleeping Puppy” and this Spring for “Horse”.  We look forward to seeing where her abilities take her.

Patience has been knitting for eleven years.  She won first place in fiber arts at the Ava Art Guild for Queen Ann’s Lace this Spring.  Lace shawls are her favorite item to knit and she often gives them to friends and new brides after spending months on these delicate projects.